It's done! I've sent my Au Pair applications and now they're heading to Germany. Brilliant! Let's keep our fingers crossed darlings that there are still at least one family needing an Au Pair in a minute there... ;)
Some bargains from sales and secondhand shops |
While waiting, I decided to go and see if there is something new in the nearest secondhand shops with my best friend and guess what: There were plenty!
Still, since I don't actually roll in money right now, I didn't have afford to most of the things I wanted (Yes, and I was in secondhand shop...) This is what you get when you're living a student life. Other problem is: Do I actually live student life if I I'm spending my year off...
Because today I need to drive by car to a couple of hours north and I'm spending a couple of days there, I'm afraid I don't have time to give you our Fridays Five tomorrow. But don't worry:I'm giving it today instead! Enjoy you little things ;) Have a wonderful weekend in every corner of the world.