
It's done! I've sent my Au Pair applications and now they're heading to Germany. Brilliant! Let's keep our fingers crossed darlings that there are still at least one family needing an Au Pair in a minute there... ;) 
Some bargains from sales and secondhand shops

While waiting, I decided to go and see if there is something new in the nearest secondhand shops with my best friend and guess what: There were plenty!
Still, since I don't actually roll in money right now, I didn't have afford to most of the things I wanted (Yes, and I was in secondhand shop...) This is what you get when you're living a student life. Other problem is: Do I actually live student life if I I'm spending my year off...

Because today I need to drive by car to a couple of hours north and I'm spending a couple of days there, I'm afraid I don't have time to give you our Fridays Five tomorrow. But don't worry:I'm giving it today instead! Enjoy you little things ;) Have a wonderful weekend in every corner of the world.

- Ninni


Fridays Five!

Wohoo, I remembered ! Here we go darlings... ;) 

Have a great Friday all of you!

- Ninni


Can I adopt this hairy loveliness?

This weekend I drove by my car to a small city on the Southern coast of Finland, to my best friends apartment. I had so much fun there! The whole weekend we did nothing but ate junk food, watched movies, talked, laughed till it hurt our tummies and kept company to one lovable stray cat. (She was actually so sweet that I considered to adopt her.)


Words that could describe my weekend could be extreme lazy and cosy. So lazy actually that I forgot to translate the rest of my au pair papers like references and my CV to the agency. I actually forgot our Fridays Five too *embarrassed*... Oooops! And this lazyness just keeps going... oh God.

Luckily I have at least a couple of weeks left to translate those papers before they're being sent to Germany.  What a relief! So, my Au Pair period in Germany can wait for some weeks! ;)

- Ninni


Mystery of Men #3

''We're going to find it''
''It should be somewhere here, you wait and see''
''I'm sure it's here near... Just follow me!''

Yes.. Once again I've had too much time and observed this ''smarter'' sex of human. In case you darlings didn't quite catch the idea from the quotes above, you can try this situation yourself:

 - One unknown place to you and your company
(eg. cafeteria, shop, park... anything goes.)
- One man
(Doesn't matter who. I'm sure anyone goes as long as you take a man with you.)
- Patience and understanding, a lot.

First, decide this unknown destination together (this way he cannot blame you choosing really hard place to find.) Then, try to find there together. When seeking this place, try yourself just observe how he's reacting when he doesn't find the place. Notice something really frustrating but still kind of amusing? ;)

He cannot admit he just doesn't find the place. Easier would be just ask someone for help but no. No no no! That is out of the question. No one can be smarter than he, so asking for help is totally forbidden. (According to one of my friend, read: according to one man, it shows you're weak if you need to ask.)

So, they rather roam in the street for tens of minutes looking extreamly confused than ask for help and get in their destination in a couple of minutes? Indeed. Kinda cute eh ;)

- Ninni
