
'' a Man is by nature a political animal '' - Aristotle

It was on Helsingin Sanomat in Finland, on  Sveska Dagbladet in Sweden, on Financial Times in Britain, on Der Spiegel in Germany,... even  BBC News wrote about it. And now it's here, on our blog, too. Politics.

When entering a cafeteria early in the morning with my mom all were talking about it: yesterdays election in Finland. Top 3 results were:  National Coalition Party 44 seats with the support 20.4%, Social Democratic Party 42 seats with the support 19.1% but the most surprising was a party called Perussuomalaiset or in English True Finns ( this official site didn't found in English). They got 39 seats which were +34 seats more than in the 2007 parliamentary election held in Finland. True Finns support was now 19.0%.

This truly was a huge surprise to me and many of my friends and acquaintances. Some liked it, some didn't. It was the first time we actually got an opportunity to take a part to voting because now we have the age to do it. I think now we can only hope they're doing right choices and everything in this new government in Finland, Good luck!

Tired of Politics? I would say, maybe. Still, it's a serious issue and according to BBC News it's ''reflecting a trend across Nordic and Western European countries.'' Some like it, some doesn't.

- Ninni

Ps. Because of all this ''election shock'' our mysterious thing haven't yet shown here. But don't panic, it's on it's way... Here is some music to relax you little sweeties ;) Song has very touching message I think.

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