
Cape – only for those with the self-confidence to deal with the gazes

1. A sleeveless outer garment fastened at the throat and worn hanging over the shoulders.
2. A brightly colored cloth used in maneuvering the bull in a bullfight; a capote or muleta.
tr.v. caped, cap·ing, capes
To maneuver (the bull) by means of a cape in a bullfight.

I’ve been into capes for a couple of years now but have never got the guts to wear it. Now it seems ridiculous to start wearing one because everyone’s got it in his or her closets. Yeah, you fashionistas keep telling it’s a fashion statement but is it if every teenager in the bloc has a rag draped around the neck. A cape (or a poncho if you like) has to come with the attitude to make a statement.

Demostration here:

Clint Eastwood

Hey, not everyone with an old rug on his shoulders can look that badass. Don't mess with me, punk!

- Feo

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