Darlingssss I suggest you to watch the video from youtube below ... ;) meow!
If I've understood correct this hair band product called Nekomimi (Neko = a cat, Mimi = ear) ''cat ears'' are connected with human brains. Connected with brain wave sensors these ''ears'' can show people around you how you feel, just like cats ears tell. When feeling relaxed, ears will be down, when feeling curious ears are going up. When the person is feeling both of these ears are lively! They say in the description of the video above that the product will be released in the end of this year.
Now I've seen it all... I find these very brilliant, cute and funny! Brilliant invention indeed ;) Usually I don't jump straight into new trends or fads but this is something unforeseen. I'm a bit afraid that as a possible university student I really don't have afford to these but maybe sometimes, maybe sometimes...
In case you want to know more here below are some links sweeties
Ps. Indpired by the theme I needed to put here one photo of our Feos lovely cat! Isn't she adorable... ;)
Feos adorable cat, meow! |
Pps. The text: ''Have Adam Lambert and Britney Spears something in common? Well...'' is now updated so now you little darlings can see the youtube videos right here ;) Enjoy the great music there
- Ninni
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