
No need for pocket money

While enjoying a great afternoon with our Feo some time ago, we saw this in one shop window and got really surprised... or more like shocked.

130 euros for one shoehorn?
It can be that I just live quite a simple and miserly life but seriously, come on.

As a young women, we wondered what do they have in this shoehorn because of this vertiginous price. Not that we didn't think this shoehorn is luxurious and wonderful but...  In an area, where poor students live and where is only secondhand shops or cheap grocery stores, who needs this expensive shoehorn? Soon, when I'm going to move to my own apartment, I think I'm wondering do I even have enough money for paying my bills and a packet of pasta or a can of tuna...

On the other hand, if I really ponder this issue and look deep inside of me I'd say that if I would live rich luxury life and if I wouldn't have to watch every coin I get this carefully, this shoehorn would be right now in my hallway! In the end, I think it's quite cool and has a royal taste ;)

- Ninni


"Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands"

Cherry Tree
 a nice Cup of Coffee
Some chill out by reading a good book. Some by watching a good movie or by taking a nap in the noon. Today, I chose gardening and playing my piano to get more loosen up after picking up some goods from the store for my graduation party.

In case some of you live quite stressful and hectic life in a minute (like I do right now) and haven't ever tried gardening, I warmly suggest it to you. As a young and extremely impatient woman I need to say that as brainless chore as it is, it truly improves your patience and your mental/physical condition. For example I, who hasn't ever been a fan of sports, have got little biceps because of that! Who needs to sweat in gyms to have muscles when you can do some gardening at your home instead ;)

When doing some gardening you can also get rid of work or free time issues that are troubling your mind even for an hour or two. To me, it's therapeutic when you really don't have to think of anything at all. What's more: You don't need to be professional to succeed and it surely doesn't harm anyone if you don't succeed right a way. Imagine how many times this 19 year-old girl have failed by growing anything? Many times !

"Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands"
            - Japanese saying

- Ninni


Four done, two to go and Fridays Five

After spending these three passed days by sitting in a bus, I really started to miss traveling a lot! Not that I wouldn't like to live in Finland but I've always been the type of person who feels like being born in wrong country and who just can't be inside four walls long time ;)

Thinking of you darlings, I took some photos from my ''Entrance exam'' journey in Turku (the city we told you here, where  the'' musik + X'' exhibition is ).  It took 7 and a half hours sitting in a bus yesterday but I must say I enjoyed the travel a lot. From these entrance exams I didn't enjoy that much even though I must say I expected more demanding level, especially from German. It can be that either the tests were easier than they normally are or I just didn't get anything and did all wrong... Whatever! At least I had fun ;)

Studying studying studying


Something to my friends in Germany


Enjoyable day indeed.
Only two entrance exams left and then I'm free. But first graduation party on 4th of June, can't wait ;)

... From this partymood it's quite easy to introduce you our Fridays Five today!
David Guetta feat. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj // Where Them Girls At
Rihanna // S&M
Beyoncé // Run The World (Girls)
Lady Gaga feat. Colby O'Donis // Just Dance
Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer // Give Me Everything

- Ninni


Inspired by Style: Sammy Winward

Divine hair, beautiful, fantastic sense of style and enviable British accent.

... Sounds like  Sammy Winward !

Some of you sweeties might have heard from her, some maybe haven't. In case you haven't, you should check the youtube video above! Point your attention especially to that gorgeous blond hair! Inspired by this very beautiful actress, singer and model, I decided for an year ago to let my hair grow longer ;) Oh, she's so beautiful! Some of you who haven't ever heard from Sammy Winward are maybe wondering that from were I first heard from her?

I saw my parents watching one British TV soap opera called Emmerdale and I decided to watch it too. Somehow, like many other soap operas, it got me! Sammy Winward really stood up from everyone else and I loved her style in the soap opera right away. Not all her clothes would probably suit me that gorgeously but I think those really suits her! That's why I choose her today in '' Inspired by Style '' -part!

I actually started to consider blond hair because of her ... ;)

- Ninni

Ps. Even though the song is old it fits the theme perfectly! Roxette // The Look

Absolutely fabulous

Ah, as Ninni told before (scroll down) she is trying to change her entire warderobe (not that it wouldn´t have been already more than ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. (Jealous? Me? Never.)

Anyway, I too am desperately trying to do the same. Now my style is... mmm, conservative. While my friends wore pink leopard-patterned leggings, I usually kept on black. Black tights, black skirt, black woollen polo. So I´m just trying to spice things up before I turn into a shapeless, formless pregranny. ;D My goal is more like a timeless parisian classicism with a hint of rock.

People need change. We both, Ninni and I, are pretty much on the edge right now. Soon we are going to move out of town and get a place of our own. Do things ourselves. And I love it. Just can´t wait ;)

- Feo


New section in our blog is on the way!

Saved from the end of the whole world, bought a leather jacket (leather artificial) and a cool, relaxing weekend behind. Not that bad for one weekend, eh? ;)

Like some of you little darlings know: For a while ago, I decided to change my style more feminine.I threw over half of my goods, meaning old shabby hoodies to bin bag without second guesses. As an environmental friendly person I sold them in a secondhand store and the result was pretty pleasant: My wardrobe is now quite empty and my wallet is screaming for joy ;)  After my graduation party this girl is going to look for a new style! I started a little bit early and bought a leather jacket like I told you (photo coming here later on.)

Inspired by this ''Seeking for a new style'' -idea, I decided to tell about people who've impressed me with their style of clothing or style of living, anything. They can also be famous or not so famous, men or women, musicians or politicians or young or old, for instance. The thing is they have impressed me some way with how they are. This section is, for now, called ''Inspired by style: ---''
... and you sweeties are going to see the first one pretty soon ;) sssstay tuned!

Ps. Yea, these nails truly are my own nails. no fake, no structure nails. Guess there are few bright sides of being a pianist, eh? ;)

- Ninni


Meow! Neurowear: Nekomimi

While picking up my final tests results yesterday I overheard in a bus two guys talking about something so interesting that I couldn't believe my ears: Neurowears.  Having this curious nature I needed to search information about these and I truly was astonished!

Darlingssss I suggest you to watch the video from youtube below ... ;) meow!

If I've understood correct this hair band product called  Nekomimi (Neko = a cat, Mimi = ear) ''cat ears'' are connected with human brains. Connected with brain wave sensors these ''ears'' can show people around you how you feel, just like cats ears tell. When feeling relaxed, ears will be down, when feeling curious ears are going up. When the person is feeling both of these ears are lively! They say in the description of the video above that the product will be released in the end of this year.

Now I've seen it all... I find these very brilliant, cute and funny! Brilliant invention indeed ;) Usually I don't jump straight into new trends or fads but this is something unforeseen. I'm a bit afraid that as a possible university student I really don't have afford to these but maybe sometimes, maybe sometimes...

In case you want to know more here below are some links sweeties

Ps. Indpired by the theme I needed to put here one photo of our Feos lovely cat! Isn't she adorable... ;)

Feos adorable cat,  meow!

Pps. The text: ''Have Adam Lambert and Britney Spears something in common? Well...'' is now updated so now you little darlings can see the youtube videos right here ;) Enjoy the great music there

- Ninni


Have Britney Spears and Adam Lambert something in common? Well...

Maybe they don't have. There was just something that caught my eye...I just had to share this random information with you sweeties!

While reading my tomorrows entrance examination I watched television and only now noticed the cool video of Britney Spears great song '' Till The World Ends. '' Despite her dashing leather gloves and cute/talented dancers stole my attention, somehow this video reminded me from the music video of Adam Lambert ''For Your Entertainment. '' Somehow. Especially the first minute of it and the first chorus. When saying this to my friends they said they have noticed the same thing too!

Have you little darlings? ;) In case you haven't, you can enjoy the great videos from the videos from youtube below...

- Ninni


Running up that Hill

When searching some older music from my iPod I happen to find this and somehow it got me again

It doesn't hurt me.
You wanna feel, how it feels?
You wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
You wanna hear about the deal I'm making.
You, (If I only could, be running up that hill)
You and me (If I only could, be running up that hill)

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
Be running up that building.
If I only could

You don't want to hurt me,
But see how deep the bullet lies.
Unaware that I'm tearing you asunder.
And there's a thunder in our hearts, baby
So much hate for the ones we love?
Tell me, we both matter, don't we?

You, (If I only could, be running up that hill)
You and me (If I only could, be running up that hill)
You and me, won't be unhappy

If I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
Be running up that building.
If I only could

Come on, baby, come on, come on, darling,
Let me steal this moment from you now.
Come on angel, come on, come on, darling,
Let's exchange the experience

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
With no problems

And if I only could,
Make a deal with God,
And I'd get him to swap our places,
Be running up that road,
Be running up that hill,
With no problems.

If I only could, be running up that hill
If I only could, be running up that hill
If I only could, be running up that hill
If I only could, be running up that hill
If I only could, be running up that hill
If I only could, be running up that hill
If I only could, be running up that hill

- Ninni 

"Se ei ole isku vyön alle. Se on isku maaliin!" by Antero Mertaranta

WE WON 6-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vi ska ta guld igen!!!!

Ooh, today is THE day. Finland versus Sweden. Hockey world championship. Gold match. Even though many Finns couldn´t care less how Finnish team scores in matches, Finland versus Sweden is the game you have to see. There is no option.

Some of you little darling maybe don´t know but Swedes and us have a sort of love-hate relationship. Sweden is the kind of brother that is similar to you but there is always a bit of competition between us two. A brother you wouldn´t mind not to have. After all, a well known victory song that Finns can´t stop singing now is written in Swedish. ;D Den glider in.

Den glider in                                               (it glides in)
den glider in                                                (it glides in)
den glider in                                                (it glides in)
i mål igen                                                    (into the goal)
Vi ska kämpa                                             (we will fight)
vi ska ge                                                     (we will give)
alt det vi har                                               (everything we have)
vi ska ta                                                     (we will take)
guld igen                                                      (gold again)                       
vou, u, vou, u, vou, u...

- Feo

Low Wedge Heels and a Form-Fitting Black Dress

Finally my clothing problem to my graduation party has solved once and for all! Maybe the choices I made were a bit too safe but I stand by them. As I promised to you little darlings, here you can see the whole ensemble:

Dress from Halonen (Virpi Loulu)
Shoes from Din Sko 
Traditional Graduation hat from Fredrikson 

Even though they say white is the most stylish color now in the summer, I ended up with a black dress, black blazer (photo coming later sweeties) and a black shoes. To me the whole ensemble is feminine, form-fitting, simple and classy. Just like I wanted.

White earrings from H&M
Golden earring a gift

Four earrings and a woman who wanted to have feminine look ?
Yes, I don't know where the idea came but six years ago I decided to have more piercings. Now I'm dreaming of getting a small tattoo on my wrist or on my ankle but because my pain threshold is very small (I really need to highlight the word very) I think I'll never have the courage to do that. Pity... I know, these ideas of mine maybe doesn't fit to my dream of having more feminine and maybe a bit conservative look but I don't care. All that matters is that I like it ;)

- Ninni

Ps. Did I hear my heart sighed when the singer of a friend in london band came to the stage... oh, love.


Leather, speed and cold, hard metal. Men with motorcycles.

Kun HD-mies oli ostanut kaupasta itselleen tuliterän HD.n ystävipiiri kohahti. Meinasitko ryhtyä ammuskelemaan ihmisiä, työkaveri virkkoi. HD-mies vastasi vain salaperäisesti: liv ty rait, rait ty liv. Hänen uutuuttaan kiiltävä Harley Davidson American Legend nahkatakki hölskyi hänen hartioillaan, kun hän ruokatunnilla lähti esittelemässä uuttaa pyöräänsä työkavereilleen. Hän oli jo heti päivästä nolla omaksunut alan lingon ja esitteli pyöräänsä amerikkalaisitten ääntäen:
- mä sahaan pakoputken kahtia, junou laut noises seiv laivs.
- tän stongan mä heitän helvettiin ja laitan tilalle simpanssihengarin.
- Mikä se on, kysyi toimari pää pyörällä?
- Hähähä, siinä voi kuivattaa tyttöjen pikkupöksyjä.
- Sit mä laitan itsemurhakaasun tähän, koko ajan pohjassa.

When HD-man had bought himself a brand new Harley Davidson HDs peer group was stunned. Are you going to start shooting people, his work mate noted. HD-man just answered mysteriously: liv ty rait, rait ty liv. His new glossy Harley Davidson American Legend leather jacket sloshed on his shoulders when he left on a lunch break to show his new bike to his co-workers. He had already adopted the correct way of speaking from day one and he introduced his bike pronouncing American English.
- I´m going to saw the exhaust pipe in two, junou laut noises seiv laivs.
- Going to get rid of this handle bar and replace it with a chimpanzee hanger.
-What´s that? asked MD befuddled.
- Hähähä, you can dry girls´ underpants on it.
- Then I´m gonna put a suicide throttle in it, always at full speed.

Riku Immonen
HD-miehen seikkailut

I´m a huge fan of motorcycles. I even had a motorcycle of my own but, you know, I sold it. With a student budget it´s not easy to sustain a metal monster weighing hundreds of kilos.  Sight.
Someday soon I´ll be polishing my own little darling at the backyard. Soon.

Anyway.  Men. With motorcycles. There is something extremely appealing in it. Leather, speed and wild freedom. Me like.
But. There is always one but. What is it with middle-aged men who decide to spice up their lives and get a brand new motorcycle?  In Finland some of the senior citizens even have a driving license that covers all kind of vehicles. Therefore some new motorcyclists` experience on bikes is limited on sitting on a one in a shop.  Thank goodness the license policy has changed a bit since. Btw, Ninnis father has thought of having a bike too. 

Maybe this year instead of buying a bike I´m just going to spend the warm afternoons at the harbor checking out shining metal and men in leather while holding a strawberry margarita. Uuu, yes. ;D

Me with a bike of my dreams

- Feo

Musicians, Dancers... love

Colorful and bright lights all over the place, lyrics mostly overly sugary and naturally about love, men groups who basically remind (or more likely are copies of) Backstreet Boys, women with extra minimal skirts and a long blond hair, colorful outfits, endless glitter... 

... sounds like Eurovision Song Contest is here again

Once again I have to say I was positively surprised when watching Eurovision Song Contest semi final 2 on Thursday evening. I truly liked the joyful songs of Romania and Denmark (Did you sweeties see the singer...oh, love) and I found these identical twins from Ireland pretty delightful. I also enjoyed the enchanting ''sand artist'' in the song of Ukraine! And did you see those incredibly talented dancers in the dance group called ''Flying Steps''... I know generally I might be a bit weak for musicians and dancers but whoah! I felt in love again.

This is incomprehensible since I haven't ever been a fan to this international contests... This year I just might watch the final too ;)

- Ninni

Ps. Manly observations on the way darlings so stay tuned... This time the beard isn't the culmination of our observation as it did for some time ago in our ''Mystery of Men'' text but the same kind of mysterious urge of men still ;)


News From Japan // Fridays five!

For some days ago there were news from MTV Japan that they've announced the nominees for annual ''MTV Video Music Awards Japan'' -awards.  (You darlings can see the list of nominees below.)
In case you sweeties would like to vote your favorite you can cast your vote in the official site here.

What's more: This year this annual event isn't just the same regular awards. There will be a lot of artists performing live, like for example Lady Gaga, BENI, Nishino Kana, Tokio Hotel, SHINee, EXILE, w-inds...etc and as far as I've understood the profits they get will go to the charity. Meaning more closely: to the Japanese Red Cross Society for disaster relief. The event will be held in Chiba on June 25 at the Makuhari Messe and it will be hosted by AKB48!

Is There Any Way I Could Help Even Though I Can't Be a Part in This Awards or Don't Live Near Japan?
Definitely. Even though you may live very far far away from Japan, like our Feo and I do,  you can still show your compassion and help. In the official site of MTV Video Music Japan (link below) you can for instance ''leave a message of hope for people who were impacted from natural disasters'' or ''donate towards relief efforts''

MTV.uk: ''In addition to the usual award-show traditions, the program is expected to feature news about the artists and youths who have been impacted by the country's natural disasters.''

Brilliant! I think this truly is a great way to spread important information worldwide. Let's wish Good Luck to all the nominees and All the Best to Japan ;) Take Care!

Here is the list of nominees:

Best Male Video
Bruno Mars - Just the Way You Are
Kanye West - Runaway feat. PUSHA T
Kazuyoshi Saito - Zutto Suki Datta
Shota Shimizu - YOU&I

Best Female Video
Miliyah Kato - X.O.X.O.
Lady Gaga - Born This Way
Rihanna - Only Girl(In the World)
Taylor Swift - Mine
YUI - Rain

Best Group Video
Black Eyed Peas - The Time(Dirty Bit)
Ikimonogakari - Arigatou
Linkin Park - The Catalyst
Shojo Jidai - Genie
w-inds. - Let's get it on

Best New Artist Video
B.O.B - Nothin' on You feat. Bruno Mars
Justin Bieber - Baby feat. LUDACRIS
NAOTO INTI RAYMI - Takaramono ~ Kono Koe ga Nakunaru Made
3rs Generation J Soul Brothers - On Your Mark~Hikari no Kiseki~
SinseiKamattechan - Biji Naru Hou e

Best Video Of The Year
Namie Amuro - Break It
Katy Perry - California Gurls feat. SNOOP DOGG
Lady Gaga - Born This Way
Shojo Jidai - Genie
Hikaru Utada- Goodbye Happiness

Best Rock Video
Linkin Park - The Catalyst
ONE OK ROCK - Jibun Rock
Radwimps - DADA
Tokio Hotel - Darkside of the Sun
Vampire Weekend - Cousins

Best Pop Video
Ikimonogakari - Arigatou
JUJU - Kono Yoru wo Tometeyo
Katy Perry - California Gurls feat. SNOOP DOGG
Kana Nishino - Kimitte
Taylor Swift - Mine

Best R&B Video
AI - Nemurenai Machi
Miliyah Kato - X.O.X.O.
NE-YO - Champagne Life
Rihanna - Only Girl(In the World)
Usher - OMG feat. WILL.I.AM

Best Hip-Hop Video
AK-69 - Public Enemy
Eminem - Not Afraid
Far East Movement - Like a G6 feat. CATARACS & DEV
Kanye West - Power
SEEDA - This Is How We Do It

Best Reggae Video
Fire Ball - Dreamer
HAN-KUN - Touch the Sky
IYAZ - Replay
NAS & Damian "Jr Gong" Marley - As We Enter
Ryo the Skywalker - Taiyou ni Naritai yo

Best Dance Video
Dorian - Morning Calling
Lady Gaga - Born This Way
Mark Ronson & The Business Intl - Bang Bang Bang
The Backwoods - Flying Bugz
Underworld - Always Loved a Film (Alternative Edit)

Best Video From a Film
Asian Kung-Fu Generation - Solanin
Avril Lavigne - Alice
Daft Punk - Derezzed
flumpool - Kimi ni Todoke
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never feat. Jaden Smith

Best Collaboration Video
AI - Fake feat. Namie Amuro
Brahman / Ego-Wrappin' - We Are Here
Eminem - Love the Way You Lie feat. Rihanna
Katy Perry - California Gurls feat. Snoop Dogg
Nicki Minaj - Check It Out feat. WILL.I.AM

Best Album Of The Year
Eminem - Recovery
Miliyah Kato - Heaven
Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns
Kana Nishino - to Love
YUI - Holidays In the Sun

Best Karaoke Song
Avril Lavigne - Alice
Ikimonogakari - Arigatou
Justin Bieber - Baby feat. Ludacris
Kana Nishino - Kimitte
Shojo Jidai - Genie

(Source here )

More information here in official site of MTV Video Music Aid Japan (MTV VMAJ)
(the Page I gave to you sweeties is in English, here in Japanese)

- Ninni

Ps. Something about Eurovision Song Contest semi final held in yesterday arriving soon! I surely liked some of the performances and I must say there were some handsome creatures that really delighted my eyes... What a woman can for her nature, eh? ;)

Pps. Talking about Lady Gaga and Tokio Hotel (One of the performers in awards and nominees), the concert of Lady Gaga held at Madison Square Garden is available to see only 4 days anymore in here ! Check it darlings! I also just happened to turn MTV (Finland) and there comes ''MTV World Stage//Tokio Hotel'' starting in few minutes. Enjoy little darlingssssss ;)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Ready to party tonight? ;) We won't take ''No'' for an answer!

Our Fridays 5 today!
Usher (RedOne Jimmy Joker Remix) // More
Snoop Dogg (David Guetta Remix) // Sweat 
Katy Perry feat. Kanye West // E.T.
Lady Gaga // Judas 
Madcon feat. Maad*Moiselle // Outrun The Sun 

 Let's have some fun tonight sweeeeeeetieeeeeeeeeees !

Terribly Sorry Darlings

It seems there has been A LOT of technical problems here lately and some of our texts have mysteriously disappeared...

As a clever woman I saved one of them (News From Japan) and I'll put it here again but we both, Feo and I, are truly terribly sorry about these problems. We tried to log in this morning but nothing happened.

Let's hope there won't appear any troubles later on.


The Right Suit And a Killer Self-Confidence

Colorful and bright lights all over the place, lyrics mostly overly sugary and naturally about love, men groups who basically remind (or more likely are copies of) Backstreet Boys, women with extra minimal skirts and a long blond hair, colorful outfits, endless glitter... 

When watching Eurovision Song Contest semi final for a long time I have to say I truly enjoyed some of the performances. I liked the song of Serbia and I adored the feminine/simple style of Anna Rossinelli from Switzerland (You can enjoy her style more in this video.) But the thing I loved the most was naturally some handsome men in the contest ;) Did you little darlings see tall and handsome Loukas Yiorkas from Greece or cute percussionist of Sjonnis' friend band?

To me, there's nothing more irresistible than a man with the right sense of style. The suit truly makes the man but if a man has a killer self-confidence, if he's well-mannered and if he also have the right sense of style that fits to him... whoaa that makes my knees feel weak!

- Ninni

Ps. Stay tuned. You sweeties are going to hear something surreptitious we've noticed about men soon ;) 

Musical News Indeed

Finally something exciting in Finland too: musik + X in Turku in 19th May-4th June
(dates are only precursory information so they might change)

Haven't heard yet what this is? Let me help and quote some information to you darrrlingss... ;) 

''The exhibition presents current pop and rock stars, rappers and DJs from Munich to Cologne, from Frankfurt to Jena. Some have made it to worldwide fame, many are still regionally rooted; all of them stand for pop culture from Germany...''

So, shortly saying: musik + X is an exhibition of music culture in Germany. This exhibition  has been on view a couple of years around Europe and finally it's going to berth in Finland too!  While being keenly interested in the culture of Central Europe, particularly Germany, this information really delighted me and many of my friends. If you happen to have any leisure time in the end of this month I suggest you to check this exhibition out ;)

musik + X are held in Finland in Kåren, Åbo Akademis Studentkår, Hämeenkatu 22, 20500 Turku.

More information down here sweeties (Quote from this first web site)
In English: http://www.goethe.de/lhr/prj/mpx/en5061190.htm
In Finnish: http://www.goethe.de/lhr/prj/mpx/fi5061190.htm
In German: http://www.goethe.de/lhr/prj/mpx/de5061190.htm 

- Ninni

Ps. Btw, did you know that Turku is European Capital of Culture this year ? ;)


Hurry up ! Only 7 Days Left Darlings...

As we promised to inform you sweeties who weren't in Finland when you had a change to see from '' YLE TEEMA '' the concert of Lady Gaga held at Madison Square Garden you can check the whole thing here. Unfortunately subtitles are only in Finnish but I guess in this case it's quite understandable, eh?  ;) 

ATTENTION: You can enjoy this gig from the link I gave you only 7 days anymore, hurry up ...

- Ninni

Ps. Some musical news on the way, stay tuned ;) 


A Friend in Need...

A friend in need is a friend indeed 

Talking about tigers in need...
(Let's not mention to Feo that I've shown this picture to you darlings ;) )

When seeing this white sign saying ''Throw a coin to help Amur tigers and Amur leopards'' a couple years ago while enjoying a great day with our friends in the local zoo, our little Feo decided to help these horribly sweet creatures... a lot! In the end of the day I think she gave at least couple fistfuls of coins there! I was almost afraid of does she have enough money to travel safely home.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Certainly.

We maybe can't hide these 3200 wild tigers at home or watch their every move to protect them but we can donate a couple of coins sometimes to make the difference ;)

- Ninni


WWF is trying to stop the logging companies from cutting down trees by publishing a rare videotape presenting 12 wonderful, adorable and the cutest little tigers. There was even a mother tiger playing with cubs. Aww.
I wonder whether this action actually makes the difference. At leats it caught the publics attention.

According to WWF there are only 3200 tigers in the wild and all tiger species are counted as at least endangered, or even worse, critically endangered.

We all can do something to help.

I read from WWFs internet pages that you can "adopt" a tiger (symbolic though) and help that way. Here is the page ADOPT or here are other ways to make a stand for those who can´t themselves.

- Feo

Tiger video triggers WWF forest protection call


'' ... Just Forget the World ''

I believe sometimes a song can say things better than words

We'll do it all
On our own
We don't need
Or anyone

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

I don't quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They're not enough

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time
Chasing cars
Around our heads

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world? 

All that I am
All that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see

I don't know where
Confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all

 If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

- Ninni 

Clothing Problem - Solved !

Clothing problem to my graduation party - SOLVED!

Even though they say white is the most stylish color now in the summer, I ended up buying black dress to my graduation party. Yes, seriously: black dress.To my point of view, the dress is feminine, simple, elegant and fitting. Everything that I wanted.

Dress from Halonen (Virpi Loulu)

I believe people generally wear bright colors in happy occasions like this but somehow this dress just stole my heart. To tell you the truth, I was pretty surprised that I liked it so much since I usually do not prefer to wear dresses that much... Somehow this just was the one. And it fits perfectly to our ''Graduation hat'' which we need to wear the whole day ;) (photo coming later)

Talking about clothing I happened to watch news from IS today and found this interesting article. It was about Jared Leto who has also falled for Spirit Hoods! He wore one in Montreal couple days ago. Even though I do not have one, I must admit that in some strange way I kind' like the hat and I'm not the only one: many celebs, like for instance Ke$haVanessa HudgensSnoop Dogg and Bill Kaulitz, have one too! Do you, little darlings? ;)

Ps. Did you remember your mom today sweeties?
At least in Finland we're celebrating Mother's Day today and I surely did remember ! In case you haven't, you need to hurry darlingssss... ;)

Happy Mother's Day !

- Ninni


Ps. Lady Gaga News

Have you little darings seen the new video of Lady Gaga yet?
In case you haven't, you should check it from here ;) I adore those divine nails in 4:41 ! Maybe a little too tall for me but still... heaven... <3

Ps. Happen to be in Finland 09th May? They're showing the concert of Lady Gaga held at Madison Square Garden on '' YLE TEEMA '' at 9 pm (klo: 21:00)! This gig was part of the Monster Ball Tour, of course. To you little darlings, who aren't in Finland at that time, no problem. I'm quite sure you can find the whole show here later on.


Bonjour! Today I got happily surprised: a postcard from a friend, from Paris! She's my exchange student, a good friend of mine. I love her. Unfortunately I've never been in France. Maybe some day. Even though this card truly delighted me this morning you sweeties can just guess did this card ease my ''traveling fever'' right now...

Inspired by this I've spend my morning the way that remind me the ideal picture of France ;)

Dress from secondhand shop

S'il vous plaît 


... Like many of you little darlings know, we give to you every Friday our ''Fridays five.'' With these songs you can set yourselves to the party mood and get ready for your Friday evening ;) 

Our Fridays five
Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull // On The Floor
Taio Cruz // Dynamite (Int'l Version)
Katy Perry ft. Kanye West // E.T.
Flo Rida ft. David Guetta // Club Can't Handle Me
Enrique Iglesias ft. Ludacris // Tonight

... Enjoy your Friday ddddddarlings ;) 

- Ninni 

Hello all our little darlings!

Have you ever heard of a one of the best authors in the entire universe Stieg Larsson (aka Karl Stig-Erland Larsson)? I bet you have unless you have been living in a cave for the past ten years. Larsson is best known for writing the "Millennium series" of crime novels (which was btw published and became noted only after the death of the author 2004).

Anyway, Larsson trilogy handles pretty much the downsides of the society and life, such as rape, miscarriage of justice, violence, greed and even incest. The three books were adjusted into movies and they did a pretty damn good job. I loved every movie (and this is where people start being horrified). ;)
Well, I don’t bother to review explicate the plot since so many people have read the first book or seen the film and that’s not really the main point here. Just check this if you wish to spoil.

Rapace and Nyqvist

HERE. Since the three movies (Män som hatar kvinnor, Flickan som lekte med elden and Luftslottet som sprängdes) became known the American movie industries decided to make their own versions. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in being filmed and will be placed in Canada (not in Sweden as in the original version which btw sucks). Wonderful main cast, Michael Nyqvist as Mikael Blomkvist, a Swedish journalist and Noomi Rapace as a dark minded Lisbeth Salander are replaced with Daniel Craig and a Hollywood newcomer Rooney Mara.

Rooney, a girl too little

Never liked this switch but maybe they both can pull it through. Not that I´d question their acting skills, I just loved the original films so deeply that it´s a quite a hard job to try to beat the original ones. Sorry. 

- Feo 


'' Everybody Wants To be a Cat '' - Or Do They Really?

Today we're going to inform you about some serious issue.
Unfortunately, this problem is not only existing in Finland but also in everywhere in the world.

'' Every year thousands of pets are being abandoned, 
  most of them are dogs and cats ''

Feos cat Jalo
If we believe the statistics said here (page unfortunately only in Finnish) over 90% of all the animals who're being put to animal shelters in Finland are homeless, abandoned cats. We're talking about hundreds and hundreds of mistreated animals and unfortunately all of these poor-ones can't find their way even to these shelters. The dangers in Finland to these homeless or feral cats are, among many other things naturally,  freezing weather conditions in the winter time, traffic, diseases and starvation... etc.

Feos cat Nöpö
Luckily, Finnish Federation for Animal Welfare Associations (SEY) and Whiskas are going to organize a charity campaign called '' Whiskas Kissakaveria Ei Jätetä! '' in English '' Whiskas Don’t abandon a cat friend! ''This is going to start again in May 2011 and they're raising money for these poor cats. As far as I've understood, the donations they'll have are going to help cats to have worming, vaccinations, micro chip identification markings and of course to help them have a new home. With the help of these micro chips the identification of lost cats is going to be much more easier and they're being returned home much more faster than without these. Many celebs in Finland are part of this project too.

Feos cat Nuppu
This charity campaign is being organized before and you can read a short part here...
'' Whiskas Kissakaveria Ei Jätetä! -charity campaign was able to raise 10 000 Euros funds for abandoned cats. On 25th August the sum was donated to the Finnish Federation for Animal Welfare Association (SEY) in the Celebrity agility 2010 event organized by Ystävät Yhdessä ry (Friends together) at Laakso venue in Helsinki. Also dozens of abandoned cats found a new home during the campaign.'' 
You little darlings can see full article here

More information down here
(Some of the links were found only in Finnish, I'm sorry)

In Finnish

In English

Ps. If you happen to be a lucky to have a pet give them a big hug NOW ;)
(Doesn't matter if it's a cat, a dog, a rabbit or even a turtle, she/he needs your attention and care)


He Did It Again!

He did it again! Once again famous fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld, a head designer of fashion house Chanel, has deliciously surprised us...

Almost week ago, on last Thursday April 28th, Karl Lagerfeld unveiled a hotel suite in Paris in co-operation with French master chocolatier Patrick Roger. Surprise surprise, we're not talking about a normal suite here: The whole hotel suite is made of chocolate! Tons of Belgian delectable Chocolate. Fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld has designed all the beautiful elements of the hotel suite and the implementation is by Patrick Roger who has sculpted these ideas of Karl Lagerfeld from tonnes of tasty chocolate: a chocolate rug, a chocolate desk, a chocolate table, a chocolate chair... you little darlings can even see the figure of Lagerfeld's favorite muse sculpted from chocolate, a handsome model, Baptiste Giabiconi ;) 

Why is this figure of Baptise Giabiconi holding a Magnum ice cream? This hotel suite project is a part of the Magnum ice cream campaign with Rachel Bilson! Brilliant!

WWD released a piece of news from this first and you can read it from here.

Ps. Since my twin brother and dad love the products of Karl Lagerfeld I decided to put some photos here but shhhhhhh ... that's a secret ;) What they don't know, doesn't hurt them, eh?

 - Ninni


Worth Seeing

Like some of you might know, you little darlings are sometimes going to see here in our blog these ''Worth Seeing''-parts! In these we're telling you about the places we've been and we love. It can be a normal tourist attraction, lovely cafeteria, stunning gig we've been to or a perfect place to have a picnic, all around the world! It can be anything and we, Feo and I, believe these truly are worth seeing!

Here we go!

Worth Seeing - Pantheon, Rome

"In Rome, the Pantheon, so great within and without, has overwhelmed me with admiration."
 - Goethe, 1786


Interested about history and architecture or not, Pantheon in Rome is definitely one place everyone should visit some day! I recommend it to all ages. Standing in front of this enormous and impressive building is a memorable and a breathtaking moment you sweeties wouldn't forget! When seeing it in this picture on the right you unfortunately can't realize its size and its beauty. It's something you should see in you own eyes.

To me, the location of Pantheon in Rome is quite confusing and mysterious. All of a sudden, the building stands in front of you, while you're on your way to the nearest shops. It's confusing that historical and important building like this is surrounded by normal city life: cafeterias, shops and apartments, for instance.

Things you should take a notice when you're visiting Pantheon in Rome are, at least to me...
- Enormous size of the building
- the Bronze doors when entering the building
Those are original and were once covered in cold)
- the Roof of the building and the oculus of it.
Picture left hand side )
- Roman capitals and columns inside the building
- The main altar of the building
You can see above it the original 7th-century icon of the Madonna and Child, if I remember right )
- Interior of the dome
- Tombs inside the building

Ps. When I finally find my right one,
 volunteers of financing my wedding here in Pantheon can sign up for '' Contact Us ''-page ;)

- Ninni

In case you want to learn more about the building, check this !